Compare Features

Vendor Public Profile

Ability for clients to message you, without having to disclose your personal phone numbers or email. Your personal information remains private.

Contact Information

Company Name, Address, Phone or Website
Your personal ways that clients can find and engage the provider.

Serviceable Area

Define on the map where you perform your services.

Company Brand

Upload logo, header image, define colors, video.

Photo Gallery

Show photos of your work, before and after, or your best work


Select all services that the business provides.


Select all insurances that the business accepts.

Team Setup

Define user/staff so clients know whom they will work with.

Meal Plans

Set customer service reminders for your team


Allow clients to schedule an appointment online or in person.

External Calendar

Link to external calendars to block unavailable times while bookings.

Wait List

Allow people to add themselves to a waitlist with needed services

User Reviews and Ratings

Allow your clients to post reviews, and ability to provide a feedback.

Monthly Specials

Advertise special promotions and sales.

Tracking & Marketing Analytics
Search Statistics
Search Impressions
Public Profile Views
Favorited by Users
Interactions Statistics
Messages Sent
Phone Calls
Website Visits
Availability Views
Bed Views
Shared a Link
User Reviews
Leads Statistics
Wait List Report
Discharged to Your Facility
Estimates & Collect Payments
Merchant Account

Ability to accept credit cards*(standard bank fees apply)


Setup the most common job offers, that clients can see and book with you directly


Available Q1 2022. Ability to create quick or detailed quotes, assign to jobs, and accept customer deposits on jobs.


Book jobs, setup realtime avilability, manage your team events, receive inquiries for your preset offers, and accept customer payments on jobs.

Simple CRM

See when, where and how often clients interact with you.

Client Property Setup

Setup client properties, and assign services to your team during service visits.

Job Task Lists

Define tasks per each service job. Track realtime service completion status, and chat on each issue with your team. Before and after photos.

Track Time

Let your team log time on each job.

Team Tracking

See where your team is in real time on the map.

Expenses Tracker

Let your team log expenses for each job. Materials, services, gas, or meals.

Terms & Conditions

Use existing templates, or define your own, to protect your time and service

Customer Reviews Management

Respond to your testimonials, and give feedback.

Case Management Portal (Summer 2020)
Manage discharge list
Manage POAs for each Case
Digital Physician Orders
Secure Messaging Channels
Communicate with all cases and POAs on a single channel
Company Portal
Multiple Location Integration
License for multiple Providers
Multi-Department Management